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More about the release

Bracket is a publication that features everything in between: ideas, voices and processes that are overlooked and under-appreciated. Each contributor is sent a questionnaire on which they would handwrite their answers or customise however they want. The results are published in an A2-size broadsheet. The collection will contain 8 volumes on craft, hunger, education, money, hustle, change, people, place, and freedom. In this latest issue, 15 thinkers and makers from around the world are surveyed on the topic of Change. How we can get unstuck. The issue also includes 10 previously unpublished interviews on People.

Featuring: Alice Rawsthorn / Chris Riley / Danis Sie / THINKK Studio / Isa Willinger / jeffstaple / Jessica Hagy / Kenji Yoshida / DIA / Rick Poyner / Sawako Kabuki / Shigeki Matsuyama / Theseus Chan / Timo Kuilder / Tom Hingston / The Lab Saigon / Albert Folch / MGMT. / Actual Source / Daigo Daikoku / Dan Matutina / Mainstudio / Ryotatsu Tanaka / Bänziger Hug / Sho Shibuya / Stefan Gandl

Excerpt of guest forword by Chris Riley

It is a time to shift. The most amazing thing about this time for creative talent is that the energy of creativity, the frustration with what is, and the impulse to create something new are the very things currently being demanded by the world, by business, by politics, by your economy, and by your culture. Being stuck sucks. Being stuck right now is insane.

The world is shifting.

Graphic designers can make video. So can photographers. Writers can write commercials, scripts, stories, and experiences. Podcasting is booming. (That is radio, by the way. Who would have thought?) There are no limits other than talent and hard work. Has there ever been a more creative, unsettled, uncertain, and tangled moment in history? Has there ever been a time like this one, when we truly do not know why people are behaving the way they are? Has there ever been a time when dogma seemed so dangerous and historic political discourse seemed so meaningless?

Manila is a hotbed of creativity, a place of boundless enthusiasm against a backdrop of autocracy. Is that also true of America? Are the Brits really not European? Is Russia really waging a cyber war that George Lucas would be proud of? Are robots really cute? Is intelligence really artificial? Can machines really learn? In the hyperbolic world of a decaying mass media and a juvenile, flawed, and ethically challenged social media, all is possible, and all is questionable.

It is a beautiful mess....

Record details

Release Date
11 July 2024
Catalog Number

Bracket Vol. 06: Change (Digital Edition)

Created by

Bracket is a publication that features everything in between: ideas, voices and processes that are overlooked and under-appreciated. Each contributor is sent a questionnaire on which they handwrite their answers or customise however they want. In this latest issue, 15 thinkers and makers are surveyed on the topic of Change. How we can get unstuck.

Collected by
Collected by
Limited run of 100